Building todolist app using react
Building todolist app using react

building todolist app using react

Add a splash screen along with the app icon and get it ready for the app store. You can add more functionality like, reversing the order of items in the todo list such that whenever a new item is being added, it gets to the top of the list rather than the bottom. This completes our tutorial for building a React Native Application from scratch using Expo.

building todolist app using react

If you restart your application you can clearly see that the items stored in the previous step are now being displayed on the screen. At last, we are going to update the local state of our application. We are converting the todos getting from AsyncStorage into an object by using JSON.parese(). We are then getting the todos object still in string format from the device storage using getItem() function from AsyncStorage. We are going to use async-await for the loadTodos to behave asynchronously. In App.js we will add a new method deleteTodo. To delete an item from the todo list object, we have to get the id of the item from the state. Let us continue where we left in the second part. By the end of this article, we will have a complete application working that can run either on iOS and Android. All we have to do is to connect those functions to work with real-time data. We have already worked on building the UI of our application and major functionality. This is the last part of our tutorial series. How to Build a React Native Todo Application

Building todolist app using react